Please count only the number of adults.
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5-2-18 Nakasu, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka, 810-0801

1-min walk from "Nakasukawabata" Station on the Subway Kuko Line
20-min taxi ride from Fukuoka Airport
10-min taxi ride from "Hakata" Station on the JR Lines



The parking area is located behind the hotel.
Further information about access can be found on the map below.
Capacity38 cars
FeeGeneral use: ¥300 per 30 minutes
DiscountStaying guests: ¥1,800 per night (Unlimited in & out during your stay)

Restaurant, Bar, Coworking guests: 3 hours free of charge

Banquet guests: 3 hours free of charge. The rate may varies depending on the banquet. For more details, please contact the host or the banquet manager of the hotel.

※ For any other events not listed above, the general use fee will be applied.
Limitationslength 4.7m, width 1.7m, height 1.6m
※ In case your car exceeds these limitations, other parking spots can be introduced if you stop by the parking lot.
TimeFrom 7 AM to 11PM.
※ It is not possible to bring or take out cars outside of business hours.

※ You will be directed to a nearby affiliated parking lot if you wish to park your bicycle or motorcycle. (¥300 per 12 hours. Large bikes may also be parked)
※ All prices listed above include tax.